• Business Model Innovation
• Strategic Innovation
• Design Thinking
• Facilitation & Co-Creation
• Ecodesign
• Trust
• Reliability
• Integrity
• Transformational Intelligence
• Humor
Dr. Alexandre Joyce is a designer by training, a strategist by choice and a facilitator at heart. Today he’s an independant consultant in strategic innovation for clients such Hydro-Québec, CAA, Add-Énergie, Cascades and GSoft. Following his doctorate, he published an article cited over 1200 times on the tool he created called the "Three Dimensional Business Model Canvas". He has dedicated his career to integrating environmental and social values into the business models of the companies he innovates with.
He previously founded the design thinking services offered by Desjardins Lab, adapting his methods to inspire thousands of employees. More importantly, Joyce believes that innovation is a team sport. Via the DocFutur character, his role is to coach participants to create a vision, generate ideas, build prototypes and then test them in the field. This helps demonstrate the desirability of the customer's perspective to senior management and reduces the risk of any venture into the unknown.
In 2016, Joyce completed his PhD at Concordia University where he created the Three Dimensional Business Model to design businesses that are not only more financially profitable but also more socially and environmentally responsible. He undertook this research after conducting over 80 innovation and ecodesign diagnostics with Quebec manufacturers as a consultant at the Institut de développement de produits (IDP).
For over 10 years, he has been sharing his experience with the next generation of talent at the Factry School of Creativity, the École d'Entrepreneurship de Beauce and the School of Design. In addition, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department at HEC Montréal called on Joyce to design and refine its first compulsory course, which now reaches 800 students a year. In 2021, he taught sustainable model design to an MBA class at HEC while cycling to visit 10 companies in person. He orchestrated and guided this 250km bike touring adventure from Montreal to Sherbrooke.
His hobbies, aside from hockey and triathlons, include volunteering on the boards of non-profit organizations such as the pioneering Vélo-Québec, the local delivery co-op and the co-working space Pop-Up Lab.
• Coaching of the Lab-Hydro team since 2022
• Blue Ocean innovation workshops and business models with Cirque du Soleil via La Factry
• Design Sprint for Amisco dinner sets via Desjardins Capital
• Development of a vision and prototypes of the retail future for London Drugs via
• Strategic workshops to position Desjardins' StartUp-in-Residence program.
• Workshops to frame Intersand's product innovation strategy.
• 12 co-creation workshops to capture user needs for an energy efficiency program for HQ.
• 3 strategic reflections for CAA-Quebec's travel, mobility and loyalty sectors.
• Launch of innovation program for future fast-charging stations with ADD-Énergie.
• Co-creation workshops with users for Garant, ABB, Poitras via Inbe.
• Upstream research for HQ's Donations and Sponsorships program via Crédo.
• Internal co-creation workshops for the social and environmental responsibility of Metro inc. and the SAQ via Will and Way.
• Design of an internal competition-based innovation program at GSoft.
• Co-creation workshops to frame the citizen experience of the future Anjou transformer station with HQ via LaFactry.
• Supervision of the youth field project for LaFactry's Pause program with the City of Montreal's Urban Innovation Laboratory.
• 35 co-creation workshops to create recommendations in a roadmap for the 8 Panier Bleu worksites.
• 4 innovation project roadmaps for each of the Fruit d'OR project sectors.
• Interdisciplinary Doctorate, Concordia University, Sustainable Business Model Design
• Certification, New Product Development Professional (NPDP), Product Development Management Association (PDMA)
• Leadership Program, Global Leadership Network
• Up-and-Coming Administrators, Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce du Québec
• Master's Degree in Design and Complexity, University of Montreal
• Self-Employed Consultant since 2020
• Senior Consultant at DesjardinsLab
• Advisor at Institut de développement de produit (IDP)
• Course Instructor in Industrial Design and at HEC Montréal Business School
• Association des designers industriels du Québec (ADIQ)